Walla Walla Valley Quilt Festival       https://wallawallaquiltfestival.org

Local Featured Quilter

Juliann Gunningham

2024 Local Featured Quilter

I eventually moved onto quilting as a young adult.  Like many quilters, I started out with very traditional blocks in traditional colors and patterns.  As  I have adged my tastes have axpanded to include a lot of modern and unusual styles of quilts.  I love combing needlework and quilting and also love trying out new techniques or styles.  I am constantly making changes in quilt patterns I am working on and have sometimes created my own patterns; some succesful, some not so much.  I am greatly influenced by my love of travel and natural history and am always looking for ways to incorporate those experiences into my quilts.  Above all, I love a challenge!  I am so grateful to live in a community that is so supportive of fiber arts and quilters!